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Trilogy Detail and Accessory Reports: Terms and Definitions

The following chart explains terms and definitions contained within Trilogy therapy reports, including the Trilogy Accessory report, along with Average Graphs and Average Statistics available. The final section explains Trilogy Daily Alarm Graphs.

Note: Trilogy reports and displays are enhanced within Care Orchestrator. See Trilogy Support for more information about additional features for Trilogy devices.

Note: A therapy device must be assigned to a patient in Care Orchestrator for data to be received successfully from a modem.

Note: An alarm event will be graphed when its duration is available within a download. If an alarm event is still processing on your Trilogy device while a therapy report is created, the alarm will not display on the therapy report.

Warning: The data provided in reports is only one of several elements to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy. This data should not be used in the diagnosis of a patient's condition.



IPAP Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure
EPAP Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure
PEEP Positive End Expiratory Pressure
PIP Peak Inspiratory Pressure - Highest pressure reached during inspiration
Vte Exhaled Tidal Volume 
Vti Inhaled Tidal Volume


Average Graphs Available in Trilogy Detail Report Template

IPAP/EPAP Mode-dependent graph or statistic of IPAP and EPAP over the selected interval.
Tidal Volume/Minute Ventilation Circuit-dependent graph of both Minute Ventilation and applicable Tidal Volume Vte or Vti over the selected interval.
Breaths per minute Graph or statistic of the breath rate over the selected interval.  
Patient Triggered Breaths % Graph or statistic of the % of patient triggered breaths over the selected interval.
Leak Graph or statistic of the Leak (non-returned flow) over the selected interval. Available only with the Passive and Active Flow Circuits
Rx Settings Graph of the most recent Device Settings at the time of download. User can select which setting set to display on the Graph.
Tidal Volume   Circuit-dependent graph or statistic(s) of Exhaled Tidal Volume (Vte), estimated with the passive circuit and measured with the active flow circuit or delivered Inhaled Tidal Volume (Vti) when the Active PAP circuit is used.
Minute Ventilation Circuit-dependent graph or statistic(s) of Minute Ventilation (Vti or Vte multiplied by Respiratory Rate) over the selected interval. Minute ventilation displays the amount of air delivered to the patient over the last minute.
Apnea Event Count Graph or statistics that display device detected apnea events.
Peak Flow Graph or statistic of maximum flow rate during each breath over the selected interval.
Ti/Ttot Graph of the percent of time spent in inspiration during the respiratory cycle.
PIP/PEEP Mode-dependent graph or statistic of PIP and PEEP over the selected interval.
Hours of Usage Graph or statistic of daily usage (in hours) over a selected date range.

Average Statistics Available in Trilogy Detail Report Template

Average PEEP Mode-dependent average value during use for a given date range.
Average Leak Circuit-dependent average value during use for a given date range.
Average IPAP Mode-dependent average value during use for a given date range.
Average EPAP Mode-dependent average value during use for a given date range.
Average Ti/Ttot Mode-dependent average time spent in inspiration during use for a given date range.
Percentage Days used Four or more hours Percentage of days with greater than or equal to 4 hours of therapy. Calculated as the days, in the date range, with device usage time greater than or equal to 4 hours divided by the total days in the date range.
Percentage Days Used less than Four Hours Percentage of days with less than 4 hours of therapy. Calculated as the days, in the date range, with device usage time less than 4 hours divided by the total days in the date range. 
Average Breaths Per Minute Average value for the dates in range.  
Average Patient Triggered Breaths Average percentage of patient triggered breaths during use for the given data range.  
Average Peak Flow Average value during use for a given date range.
Average Minute Ventilation (Vte) Average value during use for a given date range.
Average Minute Ventilation (Vti) Average value during use for a given date range.
Avg Minute ventilation Aggregated Average Minute Ventilation for a given date range.
Days Used Total days the patient received therapy. Calculated as the number of days in a date range that contain any device usage time.
Days Not Used Total days the patient received no therapy. Calculated as the number of days in a date range that have no device usage time.
Percentage Days Used Total days the patient received therapy. Calculated as the number of days in a date range that contain device usage time, if only for an instant.
Cumulative usage Total hours and minutes the patient received therapy. Calculated as the summation of all device usage times in the date range. 
Average Used - All Days Total hours and minutes the patient received therapy divided by the total days in the date range. Calculated as the cumulative usage divided by the total days in the date range.
Average Used - Days used Total hours and minutes the patient received therapy divided by the total days with device usage. Calculated as the cumulative usage divided by days with device usage.
Min Usage(1 day) Shortest 1 day therapy session, expressed in hours and minutes . Calculated as the time in the day in the date range with the smallest device usage time.
Max Usage (1 day) Longest therapy session, expressed in hours and minutes. Calculated as the time in the day in the date range with the largest device usage time.
Average PIP Mode-dependent average value during use.
Average Vti Circuit-dependent average value during use.
Average Vte Circuit-dependent average value during use.
Trilogy Daily Alarm Graph
Trilogy Alarm Daily Graph:  Identifies the alarms that have occurred, and number of alarms of each type that occurred within the displayed time range.   NOTE: An alarm event will be graphed when its duration is available within a download. If an alarm event is still processing on your Trilogy device while a therapy report is created, the alarm will not display on the therapy report.
Patient/Circuit Disconnect Alarm High Tidal Volume Alarm (Vte/Vti - depends on circuit type) Low Tidal Volume Alarm (Vte/Vti - depends on circuit type) High Minute Ventilation Alarm Low Minute Ventilation Alarm High Respiratory Rate Alarm Low Respiratory Rate Alarm High Insp. Pressure Alarm (Only in volume modes) Low Insp. Pressure Alarm (Only in volume modes) Apnea Alarm Apnea MPV Low SpO2 (with optional Oximeter Only) Apnea Rate Alarm

Oximetry Report Components in the Trilogy Accessory and Trilogy Detail Report Templates


Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a measurement of how much oxygen a patient's blood is carrying as a percentage of the maximum it could carry.

Pulse Rate

Heart rate.


Transcutaneous CO2. tcpCO2/tcpO2 measures skin pCO2/pO2.

Avg Graphs


Pulse Rate



Daily Detail Graphs


Pulse Rate




Average Statistics

Avg SpO2

Avg Pulse Rate

Avg tcCO2


NOTE:  These components only show when there is Oximetry Data.

NOTE:  SpO2, Pulse Rate, and tcCO2 data are provided in the Trilogy Accessory and Trilogy Detail Report Templates via an accessory recording this data, and connected to the Trilogy device.



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