You must have Clinical User,or Clinical Assistant permissions to perform these tasks.
This help topic describes functionality that may not be part of the feature set in use at your company.
Users are able to view activity about the patient.
Note: Equipment, prescriptions, therapy data, and patient activity log entries will be displayed in Care Orchestrator for unsupported devices.
To view Activity Log information for a patient:
Click the Patients tab.
The Patient search and a list of all patients displays.
Select whether to search by the patient's Name, External ID, Patient reference or Device serial number.
Note: Once the category to search by is selected, that option will remain the default search option for the remainder of the user's login. It will return to the system-wide default upon the next login.
The Date of birth, Postal code and Phone number search fields are displayed, which allows for more detailed searching.
Based on entered information, relevant patients display.
Note: When searching by Date of birth, the entered date cannot be in the future and must be in the correct date format as displayed beneath the field.
Note: When searching by Postal code, the entry must be an exact match for the data entered into the Search field.
Note: When searching by Phone number, only numeric text is allowed in the Search field and the entry must be an exact match for the entered data in order to be displayed in the Patients list.
Note: The Search button is disabled until valid search criteria is entered into one or more of the additional search fields.
Patient information displays.
Activity Log displays. Activity is displayed for Equipment Activity, Download Activity, Prescription Activity, Compliance Activity, Notes, Task Activity, Notifications, Documents, Patient Detail and Patient Messaging for a selected period of time.
Activity Log display is filtered based on selection.
Activity Log display is filtered based on selections.
Note: To remove a download from a patient record, select desired download then click Transfer Download or Delete Download (individual download details). If transferring the download, first search and select another patient to which to transfer the download. If deleting, a confirmation window prompts for confirmation before the download is removed. If removal is successful, download displays Removed status. If removal is unsuccessful, download displays Removal Failed status. Users with the Patient Viewer role cannot delete downloads.
Note: The Patient Activity Log shows all EverFlo Connect Module activity. Source of downloaded data is identified as Bluetooth. SD Card use is not applicable to supported oxygen devices, as these devices do not have removable media.
Note: If a patient's prescription changes, all updates are logged in the Prescription entry. If a patient's prescription changes via removable media, the update is logged in the Prescription entry with a Source displayed as Removable Media and the Status shown as Downloaded. Click the arrow to the right of Prescription entry to view Previous and Updated attributes.
Note: If the Synchronize icon was used to send an on-demand updated prescription to an applicable device, the on-demand call activity is logged in the Activity log as Sync Requested.
Note: Log activity is displayed for all selected filters.
Note: Hospitalizations display in the patient Activity Log showing the Admission and Discharge Dates. If Hospitalization was entered in error, click Delete Hospitalization.
Note: Log activity is recorded when the Philips Mask Selector 2D e-mail invitation is sent, the patient accepts the e-mail invitation or the invitation expires.
Note: Log activity is recorded for Compliance when Compliance is reset by a setup date change.
Note: Patient Detail log activity is recorded when a patient's setup date is changed.
Note: The Patient activity records when a bulk care team reassignment has completed. The log activity records the previous care team details and the updated care team details including external location contact information.
Note: When a document is successfully sent to the EMR or external service, an entry is recorded in the activity log. It records the file name, the source, the date and time, and the status Document Sent to EMR.
Note is added.
Additional information for the activity is displayed.
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